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A holistic treatment with unmatched success.

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Our Promise

We will forever change your life.

You will become stronger.

You will become fearless.

You will become allergy-free.

The A.R.T. Allergy Release Technique® holistic treatment for curing food allergies is different from conventional treatments because it gets to the root cause of the allergy, which is the over-reactive immune system, and calms the anxiety response.

Our technique has been successful in treating severe food allergies, including multiple, life-threatening food allergies and other immune conditions and sensitivities including but not limited to lactose intolerance, environmental allergies, animal allergies, chemical sensitivities, asthma, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and chronic Lyme disease.

As you consider the A.R.T. process, it is important to understand that successful outcomes are only possible with clients who are committed, active participants.

Our clients need to attend weekly appointments and adhere to the process and protocols until the treatment has been completed, which usually takes about two years, but varies depending on the complexity of the allergies and the response to treatment.

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